Category Archives: education

iPeer2Peer JA Mentorship program

Arthritis Foundation to Pilot Peer Mentorship Program

The Arthritis Foundation is excited to announce the launch of theiPeer2Peer Mentorship Program, a new initiative that aims to provide help and support for teens withjuvenile arthritisand related childhood rheumatic diseases.

The iPeer2Peer Program was developed by the iOUCH (improving Outcomes in Child Health through Technology) research team at the Hospital for Sick Children in Ontario, Canada to help teens with chronic disease better manage their condition.
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Parent Teacher Communication Arthritis

Communicating With Your Child’s Teachers About Arthritis

Most teachers have had no first-hand experience contending with the medical problems of the children they have in their classrooms. Teachers needyourhelp to educate them about juvenile rheumatic diseases and how it affects your child. And you need their help to ensure your child has a successful school year.

Make it clear to your child’s teacher early in the year that you want to be an active participant in the child’s education and that you’re interested in being helpful. This is the cornerstone for cooperative communication.

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