All posts byArthritis Foundation


Falling Leaves and Aching Joints: Combat the Pain Caused by Cooler Temps

Fall is a beautiful time of year – but along with changing leaves and cooler temps can come painful arthritis flares and inflamed joints. Changes in weather are often a source of discomfort for people with arthritis. Thankfully, there are ways you can lessen the impact cooler temps have on your joints, includingmaking a pain plan that works for you

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medical bills for arthritis care

Avoid Medical Bill Surprises for Arthritis Care

Managing your arthritis alreadytakes a toll on your wallet.但如果你不警惕,住院或去急诊室可能会造成有害的经济后果。根据国家消费者报告研究中心的数据,近三分之一的美国人表示,他们在过去两年中遭遇了意外的医疗费用。这里有一些建议,可以帮助你确保你没有付超出你应该付的钱。

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smoking risks for arthritis

5 Reasons Smoking Makes Arthritis Worse

If the risks of lung disease, heart disease, cancer and bad breath weren’t good enough reasons for you to give up smoking, here’s something else you should know: Research shows that smoking is harmful to your bones, joints and connective tissue as well. No matterwhat form of arthritis you have, you’ll be doing your joints and yourself a favor by quitting. Here are five more reasons for people with arthritis to snuff the habit.

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arthritis hip and knee pain

Don’t Let Knee or Hip Pain Make You Unsteady

Research shows thatpeople with knee painhave a 25% greater risk of falling than people without pain. It’s also been found that one in three older adults falls each year. Falls can result in severe injuries, such as hip fractures.

To reduce your risk of falling,improve your balance with exercisesthat build strength and flexibility, says rheumatologist Rob Keenan, MD, at Duke Medicine in Durham, North Carolina. Improving your response time – that is, how quickly you react to stop yourself from falling – also can help, explains Alexander Aruin, PhD, a professor of physical therapy and bioengineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Here are four ways to improve your balance and response time.

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arthritis supplements for sleep

Three Supplements for Better Sleep

It’s 2 a.m. and you’re wide awake. Yourarthritis symptomsare under control. You’ve given up caffeine, naps and late-night TV, and you practiceyogaand deep breathing, but these changes haven’t worked for you. Before resorting to prescription sleeping pills, consider trying one of the followingnatural remedies.但请记住:在开始服用任何补充剂之前,先咨询你的医生。

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superfoods for arthritis

Nourish Your Organs with These Superfoods

You probably already know thatdiet and arthritis symptomsare inextricably linked. Sugary, high-fat, processed foods may trigger an inflammatory response while those that arerich in anti-inflammatory compounds例如水果、蔬菜和有益心脏健康的脂肪可能有助于缓解症状。

“Each organ in the body is responsible for specific functions, but food, stress and everyday living can compromise their ability to do their jobs effectively,” explains Sonya Angelone, MS, RDN, CL, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The organs of people living with arthritis are vulnerable to suboptimal functioning, not only because of the disease itself, but also because of its treatments.

The good news: You can help support each organ system – and stave off other chronic diseases – by amping up your intake of certain foods.

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arthritis hula hooping

Mix Up Your Arthritis Workout With Hula Hooping

童年时代流行的娱乐活动呼啦圈又成为一种热门健身潮流。医学博士Joanne Wu是纽约罗切斯特Unity脊柱中心的物理康复医生,也是一家健康咨询公司的老板。她说,这种锻炼使用更重的圆环——重1到5磅——在音乐的伴奏下进行有趣的锻炼。

Although people with balance disorders shouldn’t try hula-hooping, the exercise is a gentle way tostrengthen the core.事实上,吴医生推荐她的脊椎病人服用这种药。吴博士说:“打篮球本身是一种低强度的运动,对关节的影响较小。”“它能增强平衡和力量,尤其是核心肌群和腿部。”

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adapting your house for arthritis

Adapting Your House When You Have Arthritis

Does your hip throb when you get in and out of the bathtub?

Are stiff fingers making it tough to prep meals in the kitchen? Whether you haveosteoarthritis,rheumatoid arthritisorpsoriatic arthritis, some daily tasks – cooking, bathing, doing laundry and moving around the house– can become a real challenge.

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on remodeling improvements. There are steps you can take to make your home safe and protect your joints.

“The goal is to use adaptations to preserve your ability to perform and participate in activities of daily living,” says Scott Trudeau, PhD, OTR/L, productive aging program manager at the American Occupational Therapy Association.


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