bread and pasta shopping for arthritis

Arthritis Diet Power Shopping: Bread and Pasta

Research has shown that eating a lot of refined carbohydrates, especially white flour and having a low-fiber diet increases inflammation. Getting 25g or more of fiber in your diet may also reduce the risk of colon and other cancers, lower cholesterol and possibly help regulate blood sugar. Stocking up on whole-grains products are good for overall health as they naturally have plenty of vitamin B-6, vitamin E, magnesium, folic acid, copper, zinc, and manganese. And studies also show that people who eat three or more servings of whole grains a day lower theirrisk of heart disease. Because high-fiber foods can help you to feel full faster, eating the right amount may make it easier to achieve and maintain a healthy weight which is important for people with arthritis.


Smart Shopping Tips

Read the ingredient list.包装标签上可能写着“杂粮”、“七谷”甚至“100%小麦”,但它不是真正的全谷物,除非“全小麦”或“全谷物”是第一成分。如果列出了另一种谷物——例如,小麦粉或强化面粉,而全谷物是第二种成分,那么该食品可能只含有1%的全谷物。此外,无论是全麦还是无麸质,检查糖的含量,这是一些面包和面食产品中隐藏的陷阱。

Get enough servings.Look for breads with at least 3 grams of fiber or more per slice or pasta serving.

Beat boredom.除了传统的切片面包,寻找其他摄入全谷物的方法,这些方法也可能含有较低的卡路里。试试全谷物的英式松饼、迷你百吉饼和三明治。

Consider fresh.Many stores offer fresh-baked whole-grain breads in their bakery
section.Pros:Fewer preservatives and they may look and taste more appealing (and sometimes they’re still warm from the oven).Cons:They may not last as long as the loaves on the shelf.

Go hard.Vary your diet with mini breadsticks and crackers. Try whole-wheat Angonoa’s sesame whole wheat mini breadsticks or whole-grain Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers. But make sure to eat them in moderation.

选择棕色而不是绿色。Chose whole wheat over spinach pasta, which is just white flour
and a little spinach.

Watch for salty or sugary sauces.Want more a more flavorful pasta? Add squash,eggplant, and peppers instead of sauces and ramp up the nutrition.

Don’t forget that you can also get your fiber from fresh fruits andvegetables!

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