making bed with less pain

6 Tips To Make Your Bed With Less Pain

Making a bed can be a physical task, but don’t give up because you have arthritis. Bed making is easy with these tips.

  1. Forget perfection when making a bed.Hospital corners aren’t necessary. In fact, don’t bother tucking the top sheet under the mattress. Just smooth it out and throw the comforter over the sheet.
  2. Get some leverage.If you’re a stickler for a tucked sheet, use a long-handled wooden spoon to push the sheet under the mattress.
  3. Add markers for an even fit.To get bed sheets and blankets to hang evenly on both sides without having to walk back and forth to judge the distance, mark the center of the sheet at the top, middle and bottom with a light-colored indelible marker or an iron-on decal. When making the bed, simply line up the marks for an even fit from side to side and top to bottom.
  4. Eliminate the top sheet.Reducing the layers on your bed will help lessen the load by decreasing the number of times needed to stretch, pull and straighten.
  5. 结合覆盖。If you use a top sheet and blanket, sew Velcro patches onto each layer so they can be attached during chilly months and separated during warm weather. Small loops sewn on the outer blanket can also help you pull up the combined covers.
  6. Cut the job in quarters.Rather than reaching, try making your bed one section at a time. Match one of the bottom corners of the blanket or sheet to one of the bottom corners of the bed, and repeat with the other bottom corner. Draw one of the top corners of the blanket or sheet up to one of the top corners of the bed; then repeat.

September is Pain Awareness Month!Visit our Breaking the Pain Chain Toolkit, sponsored byBiofreeze的实用技巧,如何创建和制定一个个性化的疼痛管理计划,以帮助你管理你的疼痛和保持你的生活质量。

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