Tag Archives: arthritis exercise

arthritis exercise recommendations

Exercise: It’s Just What Your Doctor Should Order

Doctors should routinely talk to all arthritis patients about the importance ofphysical activity and exercise, according to new recommendations from the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR). The recommendations, which received near-unanimous approval from an international team of experts, were published in July inAnnals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

在欧洲劳工联盟的广义定义中,体育活动包括锻炼、体育运动、体力劳动和洗车或园艺等普通家务。According to the task force, physical activity is safe and effective for people with every type of arthritis, includingrheumatoid arthritis (RA),spondyloarthritis (SpA), and hip and kneeosteoarthritis (OA)and should be a key part of standard patient care.

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arthritis-friendly elliptical exercise

Elliptical Machines Go Easy on Your Joints

Keep your body moving if you have arthritis.Exercise can reduce joint pain and stiffnessas well as improve strength and balance.


“The elliptical machine can be a beneficial form of exercise for people withkneeandhip arthritisbecause it provides both strengthening and cardiovascular benefits while exerting less force on the joints,” says Maura Daly Iversen, DPT, MPH, a spokesperson for the American Physical Therapy Association and Associate Dean of Clinical Education, Rehabilitation, and New Initiatives at Northeastern University in Boston.

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safe yoga exercise tips

Get the Rewards of Yoga Without the Risks

From easing pain to boosting flexibility, yoga has a long list of benefits for people with arthritis.

“Yoga is as safe as walking when it’s done properly,” says Steffany Moonaz, PhD, founder of Yoga for Arthritis and a research director at Maryland University of Integrative Health.

However, many people do poses incorrectly or without proper support. In fact, a recent study revealed that nearly 11 percent of people who did yoga experienced pain at some point as a result, and 1 in 5 said yoga made an existing injury worse. Stay safe with these simple tips.

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goal setting workouts

Use Goal Setting to Motivate Your Arthritis Workout

You might exercise toimprove function, gain strength or slim down. Whatever your reason, “setting a goal can give you focus, confidence and motivation,” says Hannah J. Bennett, a physical therapist with Baylor Scott & White Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation in Round Rock, Texas.

But how can you tell if your workouts are working? The key is making realistic and specific milestones. “Check your progress regularly,” says Bennett. Seeing results can provide motivation – or signal that it’s time to switch things up. Here are four common fitness goals and how to track them.

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arthritis workout moves on the go

Arthritis Workout Moves On-the-Go

Whether by plane, train or car, travel can be a pain – literally. Especially if you haveinflammatory arthritisorosteoarthritis. Less oxygen and nutrients reach your joints, which contributes to pain and stiffness. “Sitting for long stretches slows your circulation,” says Lisa M. Higginbotham, anoccupational therapistand clinical rehab manager at a Cleveland Clinic hospital in Ohio.

她补充说,循环缓慢还会增加肿胀和潜在危险的血栓的风险。至少每小时运动一次,可以使关节活动。此外,“收缩你的肌肉将血液泵回心脏,”凯泽永久北加州研究生物理治疗教育主任埃里克·罗伯逊说。These moves done while seated can also help:

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arthritis hip and knee pain

Don’t Let Knee or Hip Pain Make You Unsteady

Research shows thatpeople with knee painhave a 25% greater risk of falling than people without pain. It’s also been found that one in three older adults falls each year. Falls can result in severe injuries, such as hip fractures.

To reduce your risk of falling,improve your balance with exercisesthat build strength and flexibility, says rheumatologist Rob Keenan, MD, at Duke Medicine in Durham, North Carolina. Improving your response time – that is, how quickly you react to stop yourself from falling – also can help, explains Alexander Aruin, PhD, a professor of physical therapy and bioengineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago.


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arthritis hula hooping

Mix Up Your Arthritis Workout With Hula Hooping

The popular childhood pastime hula hooping is back as a hot fitness trend. The workouts use heavier hoops – weighing one to five pounds – in fun routines set to music, says Joanne Wu, MD, a physical rehabilitation physician at Unity Spine Center in Rochester, New York, and owner of a wellness consulting company.

Although people with balance disorders shouldn’t try hula-hooping, the exercise is a gentle way tostrengthen the core. In fact, Dr. Wu recommends it for her spine patients. “Hooping itself is a low-impact exercise that’s gentle on the joints,” says Dr. Wu. “It builds balance and strength, especially in the core and legs.”

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Strength Training for People With Arthritis

纽约市Montefiore医疗中心的Stanley Wainapel医学博士说:“锻炼肌肉可以支持和保护关节,可以增加灵活性,减少僵硬和酸痛。”Research inThe Journal of Rheumatologyfound that people with knee arthritis experienced 42% less pain and 44% more physical function after four months of strength training. Get started with one of these,watch videosand useYour Exercise Solutionto learn about exercise modifications specific to your needs.

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