planned giving power attorney

Power of Attorney: The Importance of Being Prepared

By Lauren J. Wolven

A few years ago, my partner received a scary phone call from her child’s college roommate. Her child had collapsed in the dorm bathroom while getting ready for class and was in the hospital. Terrified, my partner contacted the hospital, and she was shocked to learn they couldn’t release any information because her child was over 18 and legally an adult. The hospital required a medical power of attorney before they could tell her anything. She had to make the thousand-mile trip not knowing how her child was doing. It was one of the worst situations a parent could face. 

如果你接到你爱的人——配偶、父母或成年子女——在医院的电话,你会怎么做? 你准备好了吗?想想都觉得难以承受,但是指导和帮助是可以得到的。

许多州都有符合该州法规的委托书表格。 在其他州,不同的组织,如当地的律师协会,法律服务和养老服务,提供免费表格。 本地库经常运行程序来帮助解决这类问题,甚至可能能够帮助您找到一个表单。

Making sure that adult children, parents and other loved ones you may need to care for have a power of attorney in place can make a tremendous difference when a crisis occurs. Since the enactment of HIPAA laws to protect patient privacy, physicians and health care facilities are even more careful about releasing any information, even in an emergency like the one my partner faced. Take the time to make sure you and your loved ones complete and sign a medical power of attorney indicating who a hospital can speak with if you or your loved one are unable to communicate. 

Acting responsibly on these issues is particularly important when you have a health condition like arthritis or are taking medications that may haveserious side effects. Take care of yourself and those you love. Put a medical power of attorney in place and give a copy to your primary care physician or the physician of the person for whom you hold the power. 

For free assistance with this and other estate and financial matters, please contact theArthritis Foundation’s planned giving departmentat866-528-8687.One of our planned giving directors will be happy to offer guidance for your unique situation. Don’t wait for an emergency. Be prepared.

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