Category Archives: Research

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PsA Research Briefs: Comorbidities

Keep up-to-date on the latestpsoriatic arthritis (PsA)research with our brief research summaries.

PsA May Put Liver at Risk

People with PsA may have an increased risk of liver disease, according to a new study that followed more than a million people for an average of 6 years. People with psoriasis were 37% more likely to develop liver disease than those without inflammatory diseases, the study found. Those with PsA were 38% more likely to have liver disorders. Taking methotrexate further increased their risk.

SOURCE:Journal of Investigative Dermatology, April 2018

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psa research briefs comorbidities

PsA Research Briefs: Diabetes, Surgery, Fibromyalgia

Keep up-to-date on the latestpsoriatic arthritis (PsA) researchwith our brief research summaries.

PsA Increases Diabetes Risk

Having PsA may increase yourrisk of diabetes,根据最近的研究。加拿大研究人员对1978年1月至2014年11月间在一家大型专业诊所就诊的1305名PsA患者进行了研究,发现他们患糖尿病的风险比普通人群高出43%。PsA活性最高的人群患病风险最大,这表明炎症可能是这两种疾病的共同线索。

Source:The Journal of Rheumatology, published online February 2017

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psoriatic arthritis research brief

Psoriatic Arthritis Research Briefs: Nail Changes, New Biologic, Biosimilar

Keep up-to-date on the latestpsoriatic arthritis (PsA)research with our brief research summaries.

Nail Changes May Indicate Psoriatic Arthritis

Certain nail features can help doctors distinguish betweenpsoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, and possibly lead to earlier or improved treatment for PsA, a new study suggests. In the analysis of 1,092 patients with either PsA or psoriasis only, researchers found that nail changes were more common among those with PsA than psoriasis only. Transverse (side-to-side) grooves, splinter hemorrhages (small broken blood vessels under the nails) and onycholysis (separation of the nail from the nail bed) were associated with arthritis. Transverse grooves were significantly associated with arthritis in the joint closest to the nail and enthesitis, inflammation where the tendons and ligaments insert into the bone.

Source: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, November 2017

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psoriatic arthritis research eye surgery

Psoriatic Arthritis Research Briefs: Disease Burden, Eye Surgery, New Biologic

Keep up-to-date onpsoriatic arthritis (PsA)research with our brief research summaries.

Enthesitis and Dactylitis Associated With Greater Disease Burden

The presence ofdactylitis– inflammation of the fingers and/or toes – and enthesitis – inflammation of the sites where the tendons or ligaments insert into the bone – can have important implications for people with PsA. A study of 1,567 PsA patients found that, overall, those with dactylitis or enthesitis had greater disease activity.

Additionally those with enthesitis had worse functional status, reported more pain and fatigue and were more likely to have work impairment. The study’s authors say their findings underscore the importance of identifying, assessing and managing enthesitis and dactylitis in people with PsA.

Source: Arthritis Care & Research, April 2017

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