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Voices bloggers discuss joy

Voices: How Do You Cultivate Joy?

Gina Mara

Twitter @ginasabres

Gina Mara for VoicesJoy is something that we feel robbed of when dealing with everyday symptoms ofrheumatoid arthritis (RA)and doctor appointments. When I first developed RA, I felt lonely and isolated. I couldn’t do things I used to do that brought me joy, especially during the holidays, like attend parties, drink or even be on my feet for long. Connecting with people on social media expanded my horizons about ways to find joy. Now, I send people positive messages to bring them joy, which also makes me happy. I’ve sent so many of these that now I receive them, too, when I least expect it. I’ve even gotten videos of people from across the country singing happy birthday to me. I am still participating in society, I just do it a little differently than others. I might not be somewhere in person, but when I send some simple words spreading joy, people know they are in my heart and mind.

Joy Ross

Facebook @Through the Eyes of Joy

YouTube @Joy罗斯

Joy Ross for VoicesI have always been a joyful person, but my complete loss of eyesight as a result ofjuvenile arthritis [JA]以及我两个年幼的女儿被诊断为JA,我明白了快乐是一种选择。作为一名有信仰的基督教女性,我让上帝教我如何真正地凭信心而不是凭眼见或纯粹的情感行事。上帝开始向我展示快乐的真谛,即使在情况看起来毫无希望的时候。每一天,我都选择以快乐的方式开始新的一天。我关于希望、坚持和爱的故事正在改变世界各地的生活! 如果不是我们的挑战和我对耶稣的信心,我就不会有这样美丽的观点。我相信当你选择快乐,你就找到了力量、希望和目标。

Lene Andersen


Lene Anderson for VoicesGratitude is about slowing down enough to really notice joy, beauty, what’s funny and what’s good. It’s about experiences instead of things and remembering that I am a lucky woman. This is easierduring the holidays, when reminders of love and all we have to be thankful for are all around, but I try to practice gratitude every day. Taking note of positive things andtalking to positive peoplehelp. Going out with my camera to capture the beauty of the world always makes me feel better, and there’s nothing like sitting quietly with a purring cat on my lap to appreciate the present. Life isn’t about perfection or about stuff, but about love. Finding a way to express that – toward others, toward myself – is at the center of how I cultivate gratitude.

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