Tag Archives: planned giving arthritis foundation

when the time comes - preparedness

Practical Advice for a Difficult Time

One of the most challenging times in life is dealing with the loss of a spouse or partner. You must not only deal with the sorrow and grief of your loss, but also attend to many details and decisions that need to be made. The Arthritis Foundation has a resource guide called When the Time Comes (WTTC) to help both prior to and during this difficult time.Continue readingPractical Advice for a Difficult Time

planned giving - why have a will

Why You Need a Will

Most Americans don’t have a will. They will work to build a life and home for themselves and take care of their friends and family along the way. Unfortunately at the end of their lives, without a will, their property is up to state law instead of being distributed to their friends, family, or charity organizations of their choosing.Shouldn’t it be up to you to decide where your property goes?

Continue readingWhy You Need a Will