Tag Archives: JBR honoree

allison alberts jia wisconsin youth jbr honoree

Champion of Yes: A Three Sport Athlete, Allison Alberts Charges Forward Through Arthritis Pain

对威斯康星州斯特金湾17岁的艾莉森·阿尔伯特来说,每天醒来都感到疼痛。有些时候疼痛是可以控制的,可以通过洗个热水澡或跑个步来放松她的身体。Other days, Allison might struggle to get out of bed and looks to her father, Jamie, to help her walk or give her joints acomforting massage.

“There are many days I wish I could be normal, let alone feel normal for a day – a day without any pain, “says Allison. “But complaining does nothing. Complaining won’t take away the pain and complaining won’t allow my fingers to look normal. The way I go about my day is to let my arthritis and my body know that they will not stop me.”

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Erika Mitchell Jingle Bell Run

Gifted Athlete Won’t Let Arthritis Stop Her – Becomes Hammer Throw Champ

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Erika Mitchell never thought she’d have to make lemonade. As a talented high school track star, she was recruited to Alabama State University to compete in the heptathlon – a track and field competition that involves numerous running, jumping and throwing events.
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