American Health Care Act Arthritis Foundation Statement

The American Health Care Act: What You Need to Know


We want you to know that the Arthritis Foundation and our army of volunteer Advocates are on the job, working hard to ensure that YOU have affordable access to the care you need.


Let’s start with some background:

  • This bill is not a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It replaces and amends certain provisions in the ACA. All other aspects of the ACA would remain in place.
  • The bill addresses health care issues at the federal level, but gives states the option of requesting waivers, exempting them from certain federal requirements. The waivers add to the control states already have over aspects of health care, insurance and Medicaid.
  • Quick take: This bill would have a significant impact on older people and those who are chronically ill.

Following are some common questions raised by the proposed bill.

The current requirement to cover people with pre-existing conditions has not changed. So yes, you will be able to get a policy. But whether or not you will be able to get an adequate, affordable policy is not clear. Important protections are missing.

The plan would bring back state high-risk insurance pools, which, before the ACA, were the only way people with chronic illnesses could get insurance. The plans were very expensive and unaffordable for many people, and came with limited benefits and a coverage delay of six to 12 months after purchase.

Plans in the new state high-risk pools are likely to be expensive, too. Right now, people with pre-existing conditions pay no more than a healthy person does for the same plan. If this bill passes, states that receive federal waivers can price plans based on health status and offer fewer or weaker benefits. This may mean you end up paying more for less.

With minimal federal support, states may not have the funds to sustain high-risk pools, which inevitably run at a deficit, because of the plan members’ heavy usage of the medical system.

I have insurance now, but it is definitely a strain on my budget. Would the new plan give me a break?

Older people would also lose some of the financial relief they now get through tax credits. Today, premium tax credits are based on a percentage of income. Under this bill, there will be a flat-rate tax credit, based on age rather than income. And the tax credit will be phased out for those with an income of over $75,000 ($150,000 for those who file jointly). So your health status, age and income could all affect the cost of your coverage. And that’s before any changes in cost sharing, such as deductibles, copays, coinsurance and annual and lifetime limits, are factored in.

Can I count on the same basic benefits I get now?

Will I still be protected by the cap on annual out-of-pocket costs and the ban on lifetime limits? The medical care and drugs I need are pretty expensive.
The bill leaves those protections in place, but in reality your state will determine whether you will get the full protection you have now. Those protections only apply to spending on care covered by your plan’sessential health benefits. So if your state gets an essential health benefits waiver, what you spend for those services will not be protected by the annual cap or lifetime limit. For example, if your plan doesn’t have prescription drug coverage, your spending on drugs will not be capped or limited.

Am I at risk of losing Medicaid coverage under the proposed plan?
That depends on the state you live in. Overall, Medicaid is expected to tighten who is covered, so your coverage may be at risk. The bill would essentially create a rollback of the Medicaid expansion that occurred under the Affordable Care Act. It would significantly decrease funding to states for Medicaid, which will lead to coverage loss for many.

My daughter who is 23 has juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and I need to keep her covered under my plan. Will I be able to do that?

Yes. The bill leaves in place that option, which was implemented with the ACA.


What is the Arthritis Foundation doing about this?

  • We plan to engage our staff and Advocates as this bill moves on to the Senate for consideration. Our goal is to ensure that senators know how these policies would impact people with arthritis, and to offer constructive policy proposals that will help make health care truly patient-centered.
  • We have outlined some policy proposals to Congress that will form the basis of our advocacy. We will work with our army of volunteers to collect patient stories, educate them about new developments and call them to action as this bill moves through Congress.

We welcome your feedback and questions, and want you to know you can always use the Arthritis Foundation as a resource and sounding board. We are here for you.


7 thoughts on “The American Health Care Act: What You Need to Know

  1. 如果AHCA成为法律,那么我的许多健康状况将被认为是既存状况。我已经成年的儿子要为自己购买保险负责,9年后,他的妹妹也都有健康问题。我担心我们的很多药物和治疗费用都是负担不起的。这将是一场财务灾难!

  2. 所以,有些人可能不得不逃离一个州,成为另一个州的居民,因为那里的医疗和保险费用对老年人或已有疾病的人来说更容易负担?这种事发生在我们国家真是太疯狂了。对许多美国公民来说,医疗将成为过去,只有富人才能负担得起。为我们的国家感到悲哀!

  3. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 20 yrs ago. Now I have osteopenia and neuropathy. I am a low income person and need coverage for a senior pre-existing diagnosis. Please don’t takeaway medicaid as I can’t afford premiums or co payments and need extra help for prescriptions. Please consider the seniors in this country who want be able to get the care they need if changes are not made to this bill.

  4. 在Enbrel上,我的处方费用由Optum承担。现在在Actemra有另一个实体支付我的共付费用。唯一的问题是我有3000美元的个人免赔额。所以我必须支付医生的诊疗费和化验费。药物并不是什么大问题。保险免赔额。

  5. Thank you, I can only pray that the Cancer, VA, Medicare advocates will try to protect people as well

  6. I would love to understand why when my husband was insured through an employer I was able to get biologics both by self injected and infusion for $5. Now that he is retired and the doctor wants to try a different biologic, since the others had side effects, I can only get it thru the doctor by infusion for 700 plus for infusions and 1350 a month thru the specialty pharmacy.
    Why do people with an income qualify for the $5 but not retired individuals? Would love to know.

  7. Thank you for your article.
    I’m very worried. I’m an active, 78year old with Chronic pain. I have Physical Therapy regularly and get cortisone shots periodically.

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