Kelli Schandel Massage Envy

Kelli Schandel: Why I’m a Massage Envy Member

Kelli-Schandel-Massage-Envy-MemberOh, Massage Envy, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways! Massage Envy Spa has raised more than $3 million in events to help the 50 million Americans, including 300,000 children affected by the disease. I am one of those 50 million. I was diagnosed withRheumatoid Arthritissixteen years ago at the age of 26. With my diagnosis came fear and a misunderstanding that arthritis was an old person’s disease. I didn’t want to accept that I had arthritis. I was young and had always been an active person. I played sports my entire life and went on to play college basketball. How could I have arthritis?

I had to get to the point of acceptance. This disease wasn’t going away and I quickly learned there was no cure. After a series of trials with different medicines that didn’t work, I finally found a biologic that my symptoms responded to. I have been on that biologic for a long time and I am thankful that it works for me. While this drug allows me to lead a somewhat normal life, it is not perfect. I typically encounter pain/swelling as I approach my next infusion (I get infused every 5 weeks). In the past I would just put up with it but a few years ago I discovered the benefit of massage. I used to see a massage as a treat and not a treatment, but that mindset has changed. I like to use massage as a supplement to my biologic and between the two, I can maintain a busy and somewhat symptom-free life! I am so happy that Massage Envy chose to partner with the Arthritis Foundation four years ago as their missions were strategically aligned. Specifically, research has shown that routine therapeutic massages help alleviate the pain Americans suffering from arthritis endure each and every day. I am proof of that!

我常说:“我有风湿性关节炎,但风湿性关节炎没有我。”我不让疾病控制我,我不让关节炎阻碍我的生活。我是“是的”的冠军!因为没有解药,所以我拼命想找到一种。我只是每天与这种疾病抗争的5000万人中的一个。为关节炎基金会做志愿者让我觉得我可以有所作为。关节炎基金会已经投资了5亿美元来寻找治疗方法,它是致力于寻找治疗方法和结束关节炎疼痛的最大的全国性非营利组织。在过去的11年里,我一直想成为其中的一份子。我现在是全国步行治疗关节炎委员会的主席,我在我们科罗拉多州当地的领导委员会工作,我在丹佛当地的步行治疗关节炎委员会工作。“羡慕按摩”是关节炎基金会的“步行治疗关节炎”和“叮当铃跑步”活动的全国赞助商。在“羡慕按摩”活动中,当地的工作人员分享按摩疗法的好处,提供椅子按摩,并支持关节炎基金会的步行和跑步活动。 Massage Envy also hosts an annual fundraising event called Healing Hands for Arthritis (this year is on Wednesday, September 16) where $10 from every one-hour massage or facial performed on that day is donated to the Arthritis Foundation.

I am thrilled to be a Massage Envy member and look forward to my massages! Thank you ME!

Champion of Yes,

Kelli Schandel


6 thoughts on “Kelli Schandel: Why I’m a Massage Envy Member

  1. Hi Kelli! I love your support of Massage Envy. I’ve always loved getting a massage for my own relaxation but it brought tears to my eyes the day our 10-year-old daughter walked out of her first massage at our local Massage Envy and couldn’t believe how good it helped her to feel. Her JIA was keeping her tense and her muscles tight. And she didn’t understand to what extent until that day. I agree with you, Thank you Massage Envy!!!

    1. Thx金!听说按摩对你女儿也有帮助,我真高兴!我希望她继续为她的贾庆林找到解脱。保重!

  2. Hello Kelli, I decided to browse the website as I do very often and I do a lot of researching on Arthritis and different conditions that I have to find resources to help me cope with this osteoarthritis that I have in my neck down to my feet and on top of these I also have fibromyalgia and anemia and it don’t stop there..I was first diagnosed with arthritis in my early 20s but little did I know that it would progress so bad down the road because I was never told what to expect…I came across your story and it was very touching..It’s people like you and others that helps get the voices heard. Hopefully soon Congress and others will realize how debilitating this disease is and there isn’t a cure.. Sometimes I feel like no-one wants to listen in the Government on this disease..It’s very hard to overcome the pain that comes with it…It’s also hard to find some kind of help when you can’t work and have no income.. Thanks Kelli………Kimberly

  3. 凯莉,谢谢你的证词!我个人从2009年开始就是“羡慕按摩”的会员,我也可以证明定期按摩对健康有很多好处,特别是减少压力和与压力相关的疼痛。我希望你在按摩嫉妒的帮助下继续拥有健康和充实的生活!

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