Tag Archives: exercise benefits arthritis

arthritis exercise recommendations

Exercise: It’s Just What Your Doctor Should Order

Doctors should routinely talk to all arthritis patients about the importance ofphysical activity and exercise, according to new recommendations from the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR). The recommendations, which received near-unanimous approval from an international team of experts, were published in July inAnnals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

在欧洲劳工联盟的广义定义中,体育活动包括锻炼、体育运动、体力劳动和洗车或园艺等普通家务。According to the task force, physical activity is safe and effective for people with every type of arthritis, includingrheumatoid arthritis (RA),spondyloarthritis (SpA), and hip and kneeosteoarthritis (OA)应该成为标准病人护理的关键部分。

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strength training for arthritis

Strength Training is Essential for Arthritis

Yes, you’ll get stronger and more toned – but those aren’t the only reasons to strength train. Scientists continue to discover benefits of strength training or resistance training. It can be done using light weights, elastic bands or even your own body weight (think wall push-ups, mini squats and calf raises). Here are four more good reasons to start.

  1. It reduces pain. A small study, published in the July 2012International Journal of Preventive Medicine, found that men with rheumatoid arthritis affecting their knees had a 23 percent reduction in pain intensity after following a three-day-a-week strength-training program for eight weeks. Other studies show strength training relieves the pain of osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia, too.

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