Tag Archives: living with a chronic disease

Gratitude during the Holidays

Got Arthritis Blues? Focus on Gratitude this Season and Beyond

Embracinggratitudecan make it easier to deal with family drama during the holidays. And it also may help you to manage your arthritis. Research found that thankfulness helps people feel happier and more optimistic, even when things aren’t going well. It strengthens personal relationships and can alsoimprove physical health.Continue readingGot Arthritis Blues? Focus on Gratitude this Season and Beyond

Beating Arthritis Burnout

Battling Arthritis Burnout

Worn out from dealing with your disease? Never-ending appointments, medication refills, insurance paperwork, and diet and exercise worries can take a toll. Living with a chronic disease can be exhausting, even without thefatiguethat comes with being ill.

Chronically ill people often feel burdened and burned out from coping with pain and illness while also managing their treatment and daily work-life demands, says Mary Anderson, a specialist in health psychology at Commonwealth Psychology Associates in Boston.
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