Tag Archives: yoga for arthritis

Beat the Winter Blues With These Simple Strategies

If short days have you feeling blue, getting more sunshine and exercise can help, says Mark Rapaport, MD, chairman of the psychiatry and behavioral sciences department at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. These strategies also might help.

  1. Look ahead.Plan and focus on something positive in your future, Dr. Rapaport suggests, like a vacation or a night out with friends.
  2. Get crafty.给自己织一条围巾不仅可以御寒。一项针对全球3545名编织者的研究发现,编织和幸福之间存在联系。其中影响最大的是那些在群体中编织的人。
  3. Say “om.Easy on painful joints,yogais also tough on the blues, according to a review article inFrontiers in Psychiatry. Yoga appears to influence brain chemicals and inflammation in the body similarly to antidepressants and psychotherapy.
  4. Get enoughzzz’s.It’s hard to feel good when you are sleep-deprived. Research shows that increasingsleeptime by treating insomnia may improve mood. If your blues don’t go away and you feel helpless, hopeless, guilty or despairing, see a professional.

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safe yoga exercise tips

Get the Rewards of Yoga Without the Risks

From easing pain to boosting flexibility, yoga has a long list of benefits for people with arthritis.

“Yoga is as safe as walking when it’s done properly,” says Steffany Moonaz, PhD, founder of Yoga for Arthritis and a research director at Maryland University of Integrative Health.

However, many people do poses incorrectly or without proper support. In fact, a recent study revealed that nearly 11 percent of people who did yoga experienced pain at some point as a result, and 1 in 5 said yoga made an existing injury worse. Stay safe with these simple tips.

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