Category Archives: Stories of Yes

Tonya Horton

Tonya Horton is aChronic Strength Champion, which means she doesn’t just take control of her pain — she battles back. Read to learn how Tonya has found ways to overcome her osteoarthritis.

I’ll never forget the surprised look on my new doctor’s face when she entered the examination room four years ago.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you,” she said. “Your X-rays show the knees of a 70-year-old woman.”

Yes, my osteoarthritis diagnosis was a surprise. But it shouldn’t have been. Osteoarthritis (OA) disproportionately impacts women — especially women of color. It isn’t uncommon for a Black woman like me to develop osteoarthritis, but this isn’t universally known.

That’s why I am dedicated to sharing my story to uplift other OA patients who may not know they have access to resources and the support of others who understand what they’re going through. I’ve turned this passion into conducting research on the inequities in patient care experienced by women of color. We still have a long way to go, but I’ve found that the more I can share my story, the better.

My journey through pain

My medication options are limited due to allergies, so I’ve had to learn complementary methods of pain management — a ton of which I learned through the Arthritis Foundation’se-Books; my favorite isCoping & Comfort那里有很多关节炎患者的第一手建议。

I’ve also found that stress can make my symptoms even worse, so one thing I started doing is meditating. Whether it’s a one-minute or five-minute meditation, I find taking a few minutes out of the day to reset can help ground me, take my mind off my pain or help me feel a little better after a sleepless night.

As another form of self-care, I practice yoga as often as I can. Hatha yoga, especially, has been great for my pain relief because it helps me move and stretch in ways I never could’ve imagined.

In addition to making tweaks to my daily routine, I had to make big lifestyle changes to accommodate my situation: I relocated to a single-story home to avoid using stairs and purchased an arthritis-friendly car to make my day-to-day easier.

Support from others
Right after my diagnosis, I was hesitant to open up about my arthritis to others — even to my family. It may seem backwards, but I found strength by first connecting with total strangers. I’ve found community through the Arthritis Foundation, and now I’m a member of their Patient Leadership Council. Talking about my story with others who “get it” has given me the confidence to talk to my family, friends and co-workers. There areLive Yes! Connect Groupsin a lot of places, completely run by volunteers. People come together virtually and in person, when safe to do so, to share stories.

Another way I find support is through the newVim app我希望我第一次被诊断时就有这个工具。通过这个应用程序,我可以关注我的身体疼痛,同时评估我的心理健康。在处理像关节炎这样的身体衰弱疾病时,心理健康通常不是首要考虑的问题,这款应用的社交网络组件让我与更多面临类似战斗的人联系起来。

At the end of the day, my biggest mantra is I don’t have to sacrifice the fullness of my life because I have arthritis. For those living with a chronic illness, they sometimes reduce their life to the bare minimum, but I refuse to do that. I can, and do, live a full life with arthritis.

How to Find Trusted Arthritis Info

By Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Editor, VP Medical Affairs, Everyday Health Group

Hello everyone! My name is Dr. Arefa Cassoobhoy, and I’m honored to be the guest expert onEpisode 41: “Finding Trusted Arthritis Info”of theLive Yes! With Arthritis Podcast. I’m an internal medicine doctor and the chief medical editor at Everyday Health, a digital health information site. My No. 1 priority in this role is for people like you to be well-informed as you make decisions and take action along your health journey each and every day.


Aside from theArthritis FoundationandEveryday Health我知道要找到一个值得信赖的健康网站是很困难的。但在线健康信息是有价值的,因为你可以熟悉医学术语,了解你的身体是如何正常工作的,了解自我护理和生活方式的改变,甚至可以帮助你选择治疗方案。

And because time with your doctor is usually limited, it’s necessary to be a savvy patient and come prepared with questions — and to leave ready to do some online homework to better understand what your doctor told you. Online health sites are a great source for this prep work and follow-up and, importantly, can also be a place to be inspired by other people’s stories and experiences.

During this episode, I share with Rebecca and Julie how to evaluate a health article for credibility and where to go to find the latest information about your type of arthritis. Some quick tips:

  • 仔细看这一页。文章上是否有日期可以让你看到信息是否最新?
  • 它是由合格的专家撰写和审阅的吗?他们是否列出了他们的来源以表明他们已经做了研究?

Another key tip: If something sounds like an advertisement, it probably is. You may need to dig deeper by going to theAboutpage of a website to find out if they are committed to educating the public about a health issue — or do they seem to be raising awareness about a product to sell? If you’re in doubt after a quick check, disregard the information and leave the site. It should be easy to tell that medical information is solid on your go-to trusty sites.


The most important thing to remember is that you don’t have to become a medical expert to take care of your health. With a few helpful tips, you can harness online sources to learn about your condition, which can lead to more productive and satisfying conversations with your health care providers and inspire and enable you to live a healthier life on your terms.

Take action today.Tune in to the podcast now.

The California Coast Classic Is a Family Affair for These Riders

Six Kennedys put their mettle to the pedal at this year’s 21st每年的自行车旅行,支持家庭和数百万患有关节炎的人。

What has more than 500 wheels and legs, covers 525 miles in eight days and raises more than $1 million for arthritis? It’s the award-winning Arthritis Foundation’sCalifornia Coast Classic Bike Tour, presented by Amgen! This year’s 21st从旧金山到洛杉矶,沿着加州标志性的太平洋海岸高速公路(加州1号高速公路)每年一次的旅行包括一个家庭的6个成员。“克里西团队”的成员是四兄弟和两个儿子——菲利普、大卫、约翰、查尔斯,以及大卫的儿子基尔和布兰登·肯尼迪。他们是为了纪念约翰的妻子克里斯汀·“克里西”·帕克-肯尼迪(Christine“Chrissie”Parker-Kennedy)和查尔斯的妻子玛丽亚(Malia),前者因类风湿性关节炎(RA)生活了30年,后者因骨关节炎接受了双膝置换手术。他们还通过骑行来提高人们的意识,筹集资金,为他们的大家庭以及每天与关节炎抗争的5400多万美国人提供重要的资源和研究。



David, an 8-year CCC veteran:十三年前,我有兴趣在别人的帮助下沿着海岸骑行。我找到了CCC,我没有回头。1)这是一场壮观的旅程,有难以置信的支持。2)原因。支持关节炎基金会是值得的。 其中一个真正打动我的项目是关节炎儿童夏令营项目,不管他们的能力水平如何。 3)人们——人们因为各种各样的原因参加这个项目。许多人患有某种类型的关节炎。 承诺和友情的程度是暖心的。 每次骑行,我都结交新朋友,重温旧友谊。

Philip, team captain:I agree. Supporting the cause and my brother’s wife, Chris Parker-Kennedy, make it all the more meaningful.

“我已经与风湿性关节炎生活了30年,我非常清楚对这种疾病进行研究的必要性。 已经取得了很大的进展,关节炎基金会一直坚定地支持和鼓励。事实上,我的姐夫、我的侄子和我的丈夫正在以我的名义骑车,这是最暖心的事情。谢谢你!“

— Christine Parker-Kennedy

Q: What made you all want to ride together?

Brandon:The extended Kennedy family is a close-knit bunch. I’m only surprised more didn’t join in!

Philip:We are a very close family and wouldn’t consider doing it any other way.


Q: How much training have you done to prepare for the ride?

Brandon:Riding three to five times a week, varying in intensity.


Q: What have you found to be most successful when it comes to fundraising for the CCC?

Kiel:Just putting it on Facebook got me a fair amount of donations right out of the gate. People want to help out. It’s nice.

Q: What about the ride are you looking forward to most?



Kiel:Hanging with my fam.

David:Well, this year is incredibly special. Riding with two of my sons, together with three of my brothers, is insane. Doesn’t get any better.

Charles:The camaraderie with my brothers and nephews.


David:Riding the CCC affirms to me the goodness of people. When we are raising money for the Foundation, people truly like the idea of supporting the Foundation. And I see examples of the goodness every day on the ride, too.

Q: What makes the CCC so special?

John:Highway 1!

David:的路线。的路线。和路线。It’s incomparable.


David:Brother John and I were riding together in Butte County. John rides a tricycle, with two wheels in front and a large drive wheel in the back. We were coming down a country road, when John made a left turn and unintentionally rode up on an opossum literally walking across the road. The opossum was as startled as John, and it took off running as fast as it could — between the front wheels. It kept this up for the time it took John to bring his trike to a stop, at which time the opossum was able to make its escape. Have you ever seen an opossum gallop?

Brandon:Craziest thing for me has just been the general realization that I’m physically capable of using my own human power to travel for hundreds of miles.

Q: What advice would you offer to anyone considering doing the in-person or remote ride?

Philip:Just commit, start fundraising and allow others to hold you accountable not only to your monetary goal but also your training goal.



Get the California Coast Classic Experience
无论你是一个初学者,骑电子自行车,或一个经验丰富的管理员喜欢比赛,你也可以得到加州海岸经典经验。今年将于9月18日至25日举行。您现在有选择-乘坐完全支持的旅行在加州或RR X CCC,一个远程乘坐您选择在您的休闲完成。在你当地的公路上,在健身教练上,在你的度假地点或下山——所有这些都是你自己的节奏。骑行525英里或任何距离,并通过健身应用程序记录每次骑行,同时与充满活力的骑行社区联系,获得支持、提示、激励、奖励和许多乐趣。Register now or learn more about theCalifornia Coast Classic(CCC) and watch theofficial CCC video. Got questions? Check out theFAQ page. If volunteering is more your speed, visit theCCC volunteers page.

Life Threw Her a Curveball, but Jenna Becker’s a Slugger

Jenna Becker takes no days off, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She practices, trains and plays softball or volleyball every day. No one would guess she has battled juvenile idiopathic arthritis nearly all of her life. They only know her for fast-breaking curveballs and hard-hit overhand serves.


Jenna was diagnosed at the age of 18 months. She had a swollen finger and was developing a limp.


Jenna was prescribed a biologic medication and responded well enough to remain active. She had a slight skip to her run and some kids would shy away from wanting to hold her hand, but she was determined that JIA wouldn’t hold her back.


A careful balance of therapeutics, a healthy diet and regular physical activity helped Jenna to get stronger and manage the pain as she grew. Her parents kept sugary and processed foods and drinks away from her, and they iced her joints after physical activity.




Her shots were eventually reduced from weekly to every other week to once a month and, finally, to none. All that remained was chronic inflammation and a painful trigger finger in her left hand where the pain was constant, made worse every time she played sports.


Eventually, her family found a great hand surgeon. There were risks, but Jenna wasn’t willing to give up on her dreams without trying surgery first. Once healed, for the first time in her life, it didn’t hurt to play.


Her JIA has been in a clinical remission for five years now, and Jenna does not have chronic pain any longer. She has the occasional day when she feels stiffness and discomfort, but she does stretching exercises to keep her joints limber.



Aspen Finds Her Peace and Place Living With JA

Daughter of Chil Wellness founder has made major progress, thanks to her dad’s natural solutions.

来自加州马里布的阿斯彭·德雷特在15个月大的时候就开始一瘸一拐地从午睡中醒来。几个月后,她的腿出现了刺痛,使她无法站立。她很快被诊断为少年关节炎(JA),并服用多种药物来控制炎症。Continue readingAspen Finds Her Peace and Place Living With JA

Arthritis-Related Conditions

By Julie Eller, Live Yes! With Arthritis Podcast Co-Host

An arthritis diagnosis comes with so many questions. How can I manage my pain? What should I do about my morning stiffness? What treatments will work best for a patient like me? Sometimes it is hard to know if you’ve asked all the right questions of your doctor.

One question that many people don’t realize they need to ask is, “What other diseases do I have to worry about now that I’m living with arthritis?”

Unfortunately, when you live with arthritis you are at a greater risk of developing other conditions as well. Whether they are related to the type of arthritis you have and how it affects you, side effects from treatment, or the mental weight of living with chronic pain, other conditions can arise for people with arthritis.在最新一期的Live Yes!With Arthritis Podcast在美国,丽贝卡和我与阿曼达·纳尔逊(Amanda Nelson)博士进行了交谈,她是一名风湿病学家,在关节炎研究方面有着丰富的经验。During the episode we discuss some of the conditions that commonly go with different types of arthritis and how they are related.

This episode served as a helpful framing tool for Rebecca and me. As patients, hosts of the show and employees at the Arthritis Foundation, sometimes it feels like we eat, sleep and breathe arthritis. But in talking with Dr. Nelson, we heard the gentle reminder that arthritis is a whole-body disease, even if the word simply means inflammation of the joints. And as such, arthritis can affect other parts of our bodies, leading to additional diseases.

Dr. Nelson shared that people with autoimmune forms of arthritis have systemic inflammation that can affect many different organ systems and increase the risk for conditions like cardiovascular disease. She pointed out that rheumatoid arthritis carries the same level of cardiovascular risk as diabetes due to systemic inflammation.

But arthritis-related conditions are not limited to folks who live with an autoimmune form of the disease. For people living with osteoarthritis, pain often makes physical activity and even sleeping through the night more difficult. This can lead to related problems like weight gain or sleep disorders. And importantly, the cascading impacts of arthritis can add up to a heavy mental health burden.

This episode reminded me that my arthritis symptoms do not live in isolation from my total health, and that when I am experiencing heightened anxiety and feelings of depression, they are linked to my chronic pain. It was also helpful to think about the conditions that I am at a greater risk of developing simply by virtue of having an autoimmune disease. While there are so many things that I can’t control with my arthritis, knowing that my risk of heart disease is higher than average does motivate me to take control of other areas of my life, especially physical activity and diet.

Sometimes the hardest part of arthritis is figuring out what questions we should ask of our health care providers. This episode is special to me because it encourages listeners to learn more about how arthritis can impact their whole body and the steps they can take to mitigate their risk of developing other conditions related to their arthritis.今天听!