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How to Find Trusted Arthritis Info

By Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Editor, VP Medical Affairs, Everyday Health Group

Hello everyone! My name is Dr. Arefa Cassoobhoy, and I’m honored to be the guest expert onEpisode 41: “Finding Trusted Arthritis Info”of theLive Yes! With Arthritis Podcast. I’m an internal medicine doctor and the chief medical editor at Everyday Health, a digital health information site. My No. 1 priority in this role is for people like you to be well-informed as you make decisions and take action along your health journey each and every day.

The key in providing quality health information is to create content that’s useful, easy to read and interesting — and never boring! At Everyday Health, I work with a talented team of journalists and medical experts to produce articles, videos and infographics about a range of health topics, including the various types of arthritis. The content is up-to-date and grounded in evidence-based medical information and real-world patient and clinician experiences.

Aside from theArthritis FoundationandEveryday Health我知道要找到一个值得信赖的健康网站是很困难的。但在线健康信息是有价值的,因为你可以熟悉医学术语,了解你的身体是如何正常工作的,了解自我护理和生活方式的改变,甚至可以帮助你选择治疗方案。

And because time with your doctor is usually limited, it’s necessary to be a savvy patient and come prepared with questions — and to leave ready to do some online homework to better understand what your doctor told you. Online health sites are a great source for this prep work and follow-up and, importantly, can also be a place to be inspired by other people’s stories and experiences.

During this episode, I share with Rebecca and Julie how to evaluate a health article for credibility and where to go to find the latest information about your type of arthritis. Some quick tips:

  • 仔细看这一页。文章上是否有日期可以让你看到信息是否最新?
  • Is it written and reviewed by qualified experts, and do they list their sources to show they’ve done their research?

Another key tip: If something sounds like an advertisement, it probably is. You may need to dig deeper by going to theAboutpage of a website to find out if they are committed to educating the public about a health issue — or do they seem to be raising awareness about a product to sell? If you’re in doubt after a quick check, disregard the information and leave the site. It should be easy to tell that medical information is solid on your go-to trusty sites.

We also talk about how to find the latest research information about arthritis. Your doctor is the best place to start in terms of asking what online sources may be most relevant for you. Then when you dive in, there are some cool tricks on Google to focus your search and get to relevant scientific articles fast. For those of you who need to understand a specific research study, I also share tips on how to navigate and understand the various sections of a study. And depending on what kind of information you’re looking for, your best option could be to read expert-written “review” articles that doctors consult for information and practice guidelines on how to take care of a patient with a specific condition.

The most important thing to remember is that you don’t have to become a medical expert to take care of your health. With a few helpful tips, you can harness online sources to learn about your condition, which can lead to more productive and satisfying conversations with your health care providers and inspire and enable you to live a healthier life on your terms.

Take action today.Tune in to the podcast now.

Life Threw Her a Curveball, but Jenna Becker’s a Slugger



Jenna was diagnosed at the age of 18 months. She had a swollen finger and was developing a limp.

“I don’t remember a time when I didn’t have JIA,” says Jenna, who is now 15. “It affected my ankles, wrists and fingers. It hurt to get out of bed, and sometimes my ankles were so swollen I didn’t want to wear shoes.”

Jenna was prescribed a biologic medication and responded well enough to remain active. She had a slight skip to her run and some kids would shy away from wanting to hold her hand, but she was determined that JIA wouldn’t hold her back.

It didn’t. When she was 7, her father gave her a glove and ball and quickly discovered she had an affinity for throwing and catching. He signed her up for softball. She fell in love with it the minute she stepped on the field.

A careful balance of therapeutics, a healthy diet and regular physical activity helped Jenna to get stronger and manage the pain as she grew. Her parents kept sugary and processed foods and drinks away from her, and they iced her joints after physical activity.




Her shots were eventually reduced from weekly to every other week to once a month and, finally, to none. All that remained was chronic inflammation and a painful trigger finger in her left hand where the pain was constant, made worse every time she played sports.



“Kids with JIA have to work twice as hard as everyone else to remain competitive,” said Jenna. “We have to work just as hard when nobody is watching. There are days when it’s over 110 degrees here but I’m outside hitting and pitching because it makes me stronger.”

Her JIA has been in a clinical remission for five years now, and Jenna does not have chronic pain any longer. She has the occasional day when she feels stiffness and discomfort, but she does stretching exercises to keep her joints limber.

“When my dream of playing college softball comes true, I won’t just be playing for me, but for all of the kids with JIA,” said Jenna. “Arthritis may be a part of us, but it does not define us. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself.”


Aspen Finds Her Peace and Place Living With JA

Daughter of Chil Wellness founder has made major progress, thanks to her dad’s natural solutions.

来自加州马里布的阿斯彭·德雷特在15个月大的时候就开始一瘸一拐地从午睡中醒来。几个月后,她的腿出现了刺痛,使她无法站立。她很快被诊断为少年关节炎(JA),并服用多种药物来控制炎症。Continue readingAspen Finds Her Peace and Place Living With JA

Arthritis-Related Conditions

By Julie Eller, Live Yes! With Arthritis Podcast Co-Host

An arthritis diagnosis comes with so many questions. How can I manage my pain? What should I do about my morning stiffness? What treatments will work best for a patient like me? Sometimes it is hard to know if you’ve asked all the right questions of your doctor.

One question that many people don’t realize they need to ask is, “What other diseases do I have to worry about now that I’m living with arthritis?”

Unfortunately, when you live with arthritis you are at a greater risk of developing other conditions as well. Whether they are related to the type of arthritis you have and how it affects you, side effects from treatment, or the mental weight of living with chronic pain, other conditions can arise for people with arthritis.In the latest episode of the Live Yes! With Arthritis Podcast在美国,丽贝卡和我与阿曼达·纳尔逊(Amanda Nelson)博士进行了交谈,她是一名风湿病学家,在关节炎研究方面有着丰富的经验。During the episode we discuss some of the conditions that commonly go with different types of arthritis and how they are related.

This episode served as a helpful framing tool for Rebecca and me. As patients, hosts of the show and employees at the Arthritis Foundation, sometimes it feels like we eat, sleep and breathe arthritis. But in talking with Dr. Nelson, we heard the gentle reminder that arthritis is a whole-body disease, even if the word simply means inflammation of the joints. And as such, arthritis can affect other parts of our bodies, leading to additional diseases.

Dr. Nelson shared that people with autoimmune forms of arthritis have systemic inflammation that can affect many different organ systems and increase the risk for conditions like cardiovascular disease. She pointed out that rheumatoid arthritis carries the same level of cardiovascular risk as diabetes due to systemic inflammation.

But arthritis-related conditions are not limited to folks who live with an autoimmune form of the disease. For people living with osteoarthritis, pain often makes physical activity and even sleeping through the night more difficult. This can lead to related problems like weight gain or sleep disorders. And importantly, the cascading impacts of arthritis can add up to a heavy mental health burden.

This episode reminded me that my arthritis symptoms do not live in isolation from my total health, and that when I am experiencing heightened anxiety and feelings of depression, they are linked to my chronic pain. It was also helpful to think about the conditions that I am at a greater risk of developing simply by virtue of having an autoimmune disease. While there are so many things that I can’t control with my arthritis, knowing that my risk of heart disease is higher than average does motivate me to take control of other areas of my life, especially physical activity and diet.

Sometimes the hardest part of arthritis is figuring out what questions we should ask of our health care providers. This episode is special to me because it encourages listeners to learn more about how arthritis can impact their whole body and the steps they can take to mitigate their risk of developing other conditions related to their arthritis.今天听!

Get the Facts on Gout — A Painful Disease That Targets Men


通俗地说,痛风是由尿酸水平升高(高尿酸血症)引起的。一般人的尿酸是通过尿液和汗液排出的。但痛风患者体内的尿酸水平太高,身体无法完全消除。尿酸积聚并形成结晶碎片,转移到下关节,最常见的是大脚趾。这些结晶碎片就像小玻璃碎片,撕裂组织,引起剧烈疼痛。Often, the searing pain of a gout attack can leave patients bed-ridden and unable to walk for several days.

Getting Diagnosed

“I woke up in extreme pain,” says Jim, as he recalls his first gout attack nearly 30 years ago. “I thought I had broken my toe but couldn’t think of any way that had happened. I was in my 20s and a bartender, so I did drink quite a bit. I thought perhaps I just hadn’t remembered. The pain and swelling reminded me of a previous break, so I just assumed it had happened again.”

Jim had not forgotten some incident from the night before. In fact, tests and X-rays showed no signs of a break. When Jim mentioned his diet was high in fatty foods, and he consumed alcohol on a regular basis, his doctor suspected his pain was caused by gout. Diet, alcohol consumption and genetics all play a role in the development of the disease.

“It didn’t take long for my doctor to put the pieces together and realize that I was suffering from a gout flare,” says Jim. “I know many others don’t get a diagnosis on their first attack. Either they put off a visit to their doctor, or they’re misdiagnosed. Thankfully, my physician was experienced with the disease. He prescribed daily medications as well as an emergency prescription that could help get my flare under control. The meds worked great. I felt better in a couple of days and was able to carry on as usual.”

Moving Forward
As Jim matured, so did his outlook on diet and alcohol. To keep his gout flares in check, he eventually limited alcohol and fatty foods, both of which are triggers for a flare. For years, Jim managed his gout without daily medications, relying solely on a healthy diet to counteract his disease. But as Jim reached his 50s, diet alone could no longer prevent the attacks. As he began to experience more frequent flares, he decided to return to his doctor for guidance.

“Not much has changed in the world of gout medication in the 30 years I’ve lived with this disease,” says Jim. “But I’ve changed. I realize now that taking a daily medication is an important part of staying healthy. I can’t just rely on the right foods and the elimination of alcohol to keep my flares at bay anymore. With medication, I’m able to control my gout and prevent serious attacks that land me in bed and out of commission for days.”

Knowing when and how to ask for help is an important part of staying healthy. For Jim, he often thought he could handle the pain on his own. Daily medications seemed unnecessary in his youth, when flares only came every few years. And when they did happen, he assumed that if he just toughed it out for a day or two, he’d be fine. But now, Jim realizes that his attitude cost him countless days with loved ones and could have led to irreversible damage to his joints.


If you suspect you have gout or have been diagnosed, learn more about the disease by watching theLiving Well With Gout webinar. In this webinar, led by renowned experts and moderated by Jim Klososky, you’ll hear more about Jim’s personal journey, as well as get answers on how to best prevent and treat the disease.

Share Your Gout Experience
你的声音很重要。这个男性健康月,告诉我们痛风或任何形式的关节炎如何影响你的生活,你的精神健康和你的人际关系。Take the INSIGHTS surveyto shape programs and services from the Arthritis Foundation that help conquer pain caused by arthritis.– Heidi Bragg

workplace ergonomics

Creating a Joint-Friendly Workspace

By Rebecca Gillett, MS OTR/L – Live Yes! With Arthritis Podcast Co-Host

As things begin to open back up and some of us return to the office for work, you may need to re-evaluate your workspace.Listen to the latest episode of theLive Yes! With Arthritis podcastto learn strategies to keep your joints healthy at work.

夏天快乐!夏天的开始感觉很好——我们知道,对于那些现在已经完全接种了疫苗并准备好接种的人来说,也许我们可以享受一些我们在大流行前错过的事情。我知道,对于我们中的一些人来说,回到我们对成为COVID-19高危人群的焦虑达到历史最高水平之前的方式,可能仍然是不确定或不舒服的。所以,所有人最不想考虑的事情就是回到办公室!等等,什么! ?我不能再在家工作了?或者,也许规则已经改变,工作将保持远程,或提供灵活的工作时间安排。Continue readingCreating a Joint-Friendly Workspace

Men in Chronic Pain

慢性关节炎疼痛很疼。它几乎影响到生活的方方面面,从睡眠到工作再到人际关系。在过去的一年里,超过三分之一的关节炎患者因为害怕感染COVID-19而停止去看医生。治疗的中断只会加重慢性疼痛。今年6月,在男性健康月期间,我们专注于帮助关节炎患者重新控制他们的心理和身体健康,教他们何时以及如何寻求疼痛的帮助。Continue readingMen in Chronic Pain