Fibromyalgia Insomnia

Fibromyalgia and Sleep

Fibromyalgia, an example of a central pain syndrome, is a chronic health condition characterized by symptoms like widespread muscle pain, fatigue, memory problems and mood changes. Many people withfibromyalgiacomplain that sleep – or lack thereof – is one of the most frustrating challenges of living with fibromyalgia.

Sleep Problems with Fibromyalgia


“We know that pain makes sleep quality worse,” says Daniel Clauw, MD, professor of anesthesiology, rheumatology and psychiatry at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. “But we also know that lack of sleep makes pain and other symptoms worse. They’re not independent of each other.”

Sleep issues in people with fibromyalgia often can send patients into a never-ending cycle of pain versus sleep.

“When I see patients with fibromyalgia who are also facing sleep issues, they’re often in a downward spiral,” Dr. Clauw says. “They’re in pain, which keeps them from getting good sleep, which leads to more pain. It just goes downhill from there.”

Unfortunately, a person who sleeps long hours can still wake up feeling unrefreshed. That’s because it’s not the amount of sleep that matters, but rather the kind of sleep. According to Dr. Clauw, many people with fibromyalgia do not achieve deep, slow wave sleep, also known as delta sleep. During slow wave sleep, the body fully relaxes, allowing tissue, muscles and energy to be restored. Without deep sleep, it is virtually impossible to wake up feeling refreshed.

How to Improve Sleep With Fibromyalgia

Before heading to your medicine cabinet, consider the habits you can adopt – or break – to improve your sleep quality.

“First, I recommend non-drug therapies and improvements to sleep hygiene,” Dr. Clauw says.

睡眠卫生意味着做一些让你更容易入睡和保持睡眠状态的事情。Dr. Clauw recommends:

  • 只有累了才上床。如果15分钟后你还没睡着,那就去另一个房间做一些安静的活动,直到你困了为止。
  • Use your bed for sleep. Avoid working, watching TV, eating, reading or checking your phone once you’re in bed.
  • Don’t engage in stimulating activities right before bedtime. Avoid intense movies, books or projects that might make your mind restless before bedtime.
  • 保持一个时间表。尽量每天在同一时间起床和睡觉,即使是在周末。给你的身体大约六周时间来适应你的新习惯。
  • While it is ok to have a small snack before bedtime, avoid having a heavy meal or a lot of liquid.
  • Avoid caffeine at least four to six hours before bedtime. Caffeine can sneak into desserts, medications and tea, so be aware of what you’re putting in your body.
  • Resist alcohol. While alcohol can help you sleep initially, it also contributes to frequent waking and increased trips to the bathroom.

“People drink caffeine in the morning and throughout the day to stay awake,” Dr. Clauw says. “But then they need something to help them relax, so they drink alcohol, which can be disruptive to sleep in the long run.”


“The single most important thing is not to nap,” Dr. Clauw says. “Napping during the day virtually ensures a bad night’s sleep.”

If calming down after a busy day is your challenge, try relaxation techniques such as deep-breathing exercises or guided imagery. Take a warm lavender-scented bath to ease your mind and body. Make your room a calm, quiet place of rest and relaxation by adjusting the noise level, temperature and decor.

If improving your sleep hygiene isn’t effective after a few months, consider talking to your doctor about sleep medications, understanding that they may not offer the type of relief you need.

“There are medications that will definitely help you sleep,” Dr. Clauw says. “The issue is that they might help you sleep longer, but they won’t necessarily achieve that deep restorative sleep that you really need.”

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