causes of fatigue

Is Arthritis Zapping Your Energy?

If you’re feeling chronically tired, it could be due to arthritis pain disrupting your sleep orthe fatigue that often accompanies inflammatory arthritis. Or it could be a result of one of these culprits that may be linked to your disease.

Depression and anxietyare well-known energy zappers, and both are more common in people with arthritis than in other people. Depression drains energy and can alter sleep patterns, and some medications used to treat it also can result in fatigue. Plus, anxiety and stress can cause nighttime thoughts that inhibit good sleep. “There are close connections between sleep and emotional states, although we don’t entirely understand the brain systems that underpin this relationship,” explains J. Todd Arnedt, PhD, director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor.

Common arthritis medicationscan interrupt sleep and leave you feeling tired. Opioid pain relievers can increase the risk of central sleep apnea, in which a person repeatedly stops breathing while sleeping. Corticosteroids, often prescribed to treat inflammation, can leave you feeling agitated and make it tough to sleep. Insomnia also can be a side effect of glucosamine and chondroitin supplements, sometimes taken for joint pain.

Anemiais a condition where a lower than normal number of red blood cells prevents tissues and organs from getting enough oxygen. This can lead to fatigue. People with inflammatory arthritis are at higher than average risk of developing anemia.

What you eat or drink或失败都会影响你的能量。一项研究发现,即使是轻微的脱水也会让健康的年轻女性感到疲劳。每天需要八杯水是一个神话,但如果你生活在温暖的气候中,特别活跃或在户外待了很长时间,你可能需要比你想象的更多的液体。暴饮暴食糖或高度加工的碳水化合物会导致“糖崩溃”,让你感觉精疲力竭。吃更健康的食物将提供营养燃料让你度过一天。

Undiagnosed conditions,such as urinary tract infections, underactive thyroid, restless leg syndrome and teeth grinding, also can contribute tosleep problems.



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