Eat for Energy

8 Ways to Fight Fatigue With Food


There are many reasons your energy may flag throughout the day: disease-related fatigue, medication side effects, pain that wears you out, depression, poor sleep and even inactivity. But you may be surprised to learn that some of your eating habits can sap your energy, too. Get on the right track with these smart eating tips for an energy boost.

1. Don’t Go Hungry

The body needs energy to expend energy. That’s why when you skip meals, or wait too long to eat, you can feel unfocused or lethargic.

“When you skip, you’re simply not fueling your body enough,” says Lona Sandon, assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. Plus, she adds, “when you’re hungry, you get irritated and that can exacerbate fatigue.”

2. Eat Breakfast

People who eat breakfast tend to eat healthier. In one large study published in 2008 in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition在美国,研究人员发现吃早餐的人倾向于吃更健康的食物,在一天中摄入更少的卡路里。在这项研究中,吃早餐的女性体重较轻。

3. Pass On The Sweet Stuff

含糖麦片、甜糕点和高热量咖啡会给你快速补充能量,但这是有代价的。诺克斯维尔田纳西大学的风湿病学家、医学教授托马斯·纳梅(Thomas Namey)医学博士说,糖会很快消耗掉,让你昏昏欲睡。

“Simple carbohydrates can cause a tremendous up-shoot in serum insulin,” Dr. Namey says. “The rapidly falling blood sugar contributes to a down swoop in energy and burn out.”

4. Fill Up On Fiber

Several studies showsfiber’s many benefits, potentially helping people live longer and with less inflammation. But eating fiber-rich foods, such as fruits and veggies and whole grains, plays a role in energy, too. Fiber helps the body slow the absorption of sugar, which will smooth out energy highs and lows, Dr. Namey says.

5. Pump Iron

Ironhelps your body build healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the organs and muscles. When the brain, for example, isn’t getting enough oxygen, you may not feel sharp and you may feel fatigued. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause low iron, as can havingrheumatoid arthritis(RA). So get plenty of lean protein, beans and dark, leafy greens.

6. Ask Your Doctor About Vitamin B

You may benefit from a B vitamin supplement, as many seniors and people with RA are deficient in certain forms of this vitamin. B vitamins help the body convert carbohydrates into fuel, which is why being low in one or more may cause you to feel drained.

7. Drink Plenty of Water

“When you’re even just a little bit dehydrated, your body isn’t functioning properly,” Sandon says. “You can feel fatigued.” How much water should you get? That depends on you. Water needs vary considerably from person to person and most research suggests you use thirst as a sign you need to drink. But try to drink water to rehydrate. Avoid sugary drinks like sodas, Sandon says, as well as energy drinks, which may be high in sugar and caffeine.

8. Choose Wisely at Bedtime

Make sure the food you’re eating isn’t causing you to get less sleep. Spicy foods or high-fat foods, as well as orange juice and carbonated beverages can cause indigestion and heartburn. Avoid evening treats like chocolate that contain caffeine. And drinking alcohol may make you fall asleep faster, but alcohol can disrupt sleep, too.

Even perfect eating habits won’t solve all your energy problems, Dr. Namey says. But adopting better practices may help you feel better and put some pep back in your step.

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One thought on “8 Ways to Fight Fatigue With Food

  1. I have RA and do feel some fatigue. I started adding a Protein
    powder to my daily food input to increase energy. I am active
    i.e. yoga twice a week, golf 2-3 times a week. Sleep 6 to 7 hours a night. Adding a protein on track?

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