Stop the Fish Oil Aftertaste

Stop the Fish Oil Aftertaste

Yes, you can reap all the benefits from your inflammation-fighting fish oil supplements without the fishy taste.

Don’t let yourfish oil supplements在厨房的架子上逗留,因为它会引起鱼的打嗝。Follow these five tips to minimize this unpleasant problem and still get your helping of omega-3 essential fatty acids:

Keep the Bottle in the Freezer

Choose Enteric Coating
Some brands, such as Kirkland Signature and Nature’s Way, offer capsules with enteric coating, which prevents them from being digested until they reach the small intestine.

Eat and Divide
Take your fish oil capsules with a meal, and try dividing your daily dose in two so your stomach has less to process at once.

Stick to Quality Brands
“便宜的鱼油和便宜的鱼一样容易腐烂,”营养学家Jonny Bowden博士说。打开一个胶囊;如果闻起来像腐烂的鱼,那就是腐坏了。

Look for Lipase
Products containing lipase, an enzyme that helps digest fats, may help prevent the annoying fishy reflux.


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