Arthritis Friendly Freezer Meals

Arthritis-Friendly Freezer Meals

When you are tired and achy from your arthritis, a hot, nutritious meal at the end of the day may be just what you need – but preparing it can create even more pain and exhaustion.

Instead of toiling to prepare a meal full ofanti-inflammatory foodsevery night, registered dietitian Sara Haas, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, recommends making meals in bulk and freezing them. At the end of a long day, all you have to do is reheat and serve.


Unlike frozen meals available in the grocery store, made-from-scratch foods can be prepared and stored without preservatives or added sodium, making them a healthy addition to your diet, Haas says.

Before you start prepping meals for the freezer, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Select freezer-friendly foods.“Some foods don’t hold up well to freezing,” Haas says. For example, eggs and foods that contain a lot of water, such as celery, cabbage, tomatoes or salad greens can get soggy after being frozen and thawed. They are best prepared fresh.

There are plenty of foods that retain their taste and texture after cooking and freezing, including whole grains like quinoa and bulgur, beans, pureed soups, meat and stews, making them great freezer meals.

“I recommend pre-portioning them before freezing so that you can cook what you need,” Haas says.

Shop smart.Buy ground beef or turkey in bulk when it goes on sale, brown it and freeze it in two-cup portions. It can be used in anything from tacos and sloppy Joes, to baked ziti and chili.

Other proteins, including chicken and seafood, can also be frozen either raw or cooked. Susie Theodorou, author ofCan I Freeze It?(Morrow Press, 2009), notes that cooked, frozen ingredients can be stir-fried, grilled or roasted for a no-fuss, great-tasting main course.


Don’t be afraid to experiment.If you aren’t sure if a food freezes well, just try it. Next time you make a meal and have extra, cool it, package it, label and date it, and stick it in the freezer. Pull it out in a few days and see how it tastes. “Experimentation is a good way to find out if freezing works,” Haas says.

Keep your freezer “pantry” stocked.你不需要把所有食物都冷冻起来。多做一批意大利面酱放入冰箱;它可以被解冻,再加热,添加到新鲜的意大利面中,减少准备和烹饪时间,成为最喜欢的工作日晚餐。

Other freezer staples include broth and stock. Gravy and other sauces are also good options, but note that a sauce with fat may separate during freezing. If this happens, toss it in a blender after thawing to recombine the ingredients. Fresh meat, butter, cheese, nuts and spices also tend to freeze well.

Choose the right container.西奥多罗建议,选择用于冷冻的玻璃容器,并能承受高温。如果你能把食物放在同一个容器里冷冻和加热,就可以省去一步。


Safety first.To help prevent bacteria growth, Theodorou recommends thawing foods in the refrigerator. Allow approximately eight hours per pound of meat, six hours per pound of fruit or vegetables, and 12 to 24 hours for stews and casseroles to defrost.

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One thought on “Arthritis-Friendly Freezer Meals

  1. I have just finished making 6 meals in parchment and foil to put in the freezer. 2 I made from sliced potato, onion, red pepper ,broccoli and Haddock, and 4 with left over fried rice, onion, red pepper, mixed vegetables, and shrimp. This way I only used one onion, one red pepper, 2 small potatoes, frozen broccoli and mixed veggies, and 2 pieces of fish and a small packet of shrimp, to make 6 meals ready to put in the oven when I need them. I put the parchment paper inside the foil and labeled them. Then put 2 each in a freezer bag. I had one of the Haddock meals now for my supper and it was terrific. This way I know what I am eating and can keep the portions small as I don’t need big meals anymore.

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