Tag Archives: arthritis and relationships

Live Yes Podcast episode 35 banner

The First Wealth is Health

By Julie Eller, co-host of the Live Yes! With Arthritis Podcast

In thelatest episode of the Live Yes! With Arthritis podcast我和丽贝卡有幸与娜塔莉·达蒂洛(Natalie Dattilo)博士聊天,她是一位临床健康心理学家,也是布莱根妇女医院心理服务主任。我们得问问达蒂洛医生身体形象、自尊和关节炎之间的关系,以及我们如何改变对患关节炎的身体的看法。

我记得在我十几岁的时候,我沿着泽西海岸的木板路散步,在那里度过了许多个夏天,沐浴着阳光和海洋的空气。一家冰沙店的门前挂着黑板,欢迎人们走进他们的商店,那里展示着拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)的一句话,这句话一直在我的脑海中挥之不去:“健康是第一财富。”



In this recurring internal monologue, I find myself arguing that people living with chronic illnesses can still be healthy, can still have ideal bodies, can still accomplish that wealth that Emerson talked about so long, as we reframe our perception of the ideal healthy body. It all comes back to our understanding of our own bodies and how we perceive them; in other words, it comes down to our body image and our self-esteem.

I particularly enjoyedrecording this latest podcast episode,as we explored with Dr. Dattilo how managing chronic arthritis affects our perceptions of our bodies and the impact that can have in our lives. We also talked about ways we can reclaim a more positive body-image perception and a more confident sense of self-esteem.

I know that our conversation helped me break free of my internal monologue a bit, and really remember that even with arthritis, we can achieve the kind of wealth that Ralph Waldo Emerson celebrated: health.Tune in to the episode today!

telling your loved ones you have arthritis

How to Share Your Feelings About Arthritis with Loved Ones

If you feel that your friends and family don’t understand how arthritis really affects you, you’re not alone. Not only arearthritis symptomsoften invisible, but they can come and go. Some days, you may feel great and energetic; other days, you might be too tired or sore to be active. People who don’t have a chronic condition may not get how different your experience can be from one day to the next, says rheumatologist J. Michael Finley, DO, an associate professor of internal medicine at Western University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific in Pomona, California.

Use these tips to help friends and family understand what you’re dealing with – and possiblyimprove your relationships.

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family dynamics and arthritis

When Arthritis is a Family Affair

Alberta Dillihay’s children began urging her to stop working soon after her 2010rheumatoid arthritis (RA)diagnosis. Stress from her job as a public works supervisor in a busy office 45 minutes from her home, combined with finding the rightarthritis treatments, could affect her health, they argued.

“I was and am glad they were concerned and want to help. But sometimes it’s frustrating because you feel you’re being treated like a kid,” says Dillihay, 63. “You can still do what you need to do.”

When a mom has arthritis, thefamily dynamicoften changes. “That means who’s in charge shifts, as does who’s taking care of whom,” says Eve Wittenberg, PhD, a senior research scientist in the Center for Health Decision Science at Harvard University in Boston. “There are downsides, but there can also be huge satisfaction to changing a relationship with a child or partner; the ability to let others help can strengthen bonds,” says Wittenberg, who studies family dynamics in chronic illness. She and Nancy Ruddy, PhD, a clinical psychologist at Montefiore Health System’s College of Medicine in New York City, offer this advice.

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peacekeeping preserving harmony holidays

Peace Talk: Preserving Family Harmony During the Holidays

Ever left a family holiday gathering churning with tension and swearing that, next year, you’re going somewhere far, far away? These events sometimes ratchet upanxiety and stress, which are not only unpleasant but also can undermine your health and well-being. Take heart. Here, three experts offer different approaches to help you keep the peace and ward off stress.

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