emotions and joint pain connection

Can Adjusting Your Attitude Ease Joint Pain?

Happy thoughts aren’t what come to mind when pain and stiffness are dragging you down, but forcing them into focus may help ease your pain.

Optimism counteracts sadness and fear – feelings that can heighten pain perception, says Burel Goodin, PhD, a psychologist and anesthesiologist at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, who researchesthe link between pain and optimism. Because optimists believe their situations can improve, they are more likely toeat healthfully,exercise regularlyand take other actions that lead to better health and less pain, he says.

Not feeling very upbeat? Take these steps to act your way to optimism.

Rewrite the story.Shift perspective from negative thoughts to encouraging possibilities. Has your doctor told you to rest? View it as an opportunity to catch up on your reading. Trying a new medication? It might be more effective for you. Feeling stiff today? There’s your excuse to go for a swim.

Look for the good.Optimists aren’t oblivious to the negatives in life, they just notice more of the positives, says Suzanne Segerstrom, PhD, a professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky, Lexington. You can, too. Pause several times a day to enjoy a view, savor a meal, celebrate accomplishments and appreciate small kindnesses, such as someone holding a door for you.

引导你内心的洛奇巴尔博亚。You’ve alreadybounced back from life’s challenges不止几次。回想这些,记住你是如何成功的。这将为你提供确凿的证据,你可以再做一次,古丁说。

Look forward to tomorrow.Each night before bed, write down a few things that you are looking forward to the next day. If nothing comes to mind, schedule something you’ll enjoy. In a study of 77 people published in the October 2013Journal of Positive Psychology, half wrote down three good things about the upcoming day and the others listed three upcoming events. The first group experienced lessmental exhaustionand fewer negative feelings than the neutral group, who simply listed upcoming events.

想象你最好的生活。Instead of ruminating about the difficulties of the day,visualize a brighter future. According to research in the March 2011Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry在美国,那些每天花五分钟以“将来我将……”这句话开始想象更好生活的人,比那些只回忆白天发生的事情的人感觉明显更乐观。

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